Monday, January 9, 2012

Welcome to Makin' A Change Challenge!!!

If you've made it here - Good for you!

   We are so happy that you are interested in Makin' a Change with us!  We are a group of regular people who simply want to be Makin' A Change in the right direction and form better health habits.  We also love the idea of having other people help us be motivated - and that is where all of you come in!

This challenge will be set up similarly to that popular reality show about losing weight.  This is meant to be a fun challenge to help motivate all of us to make some positive changes in our health habits over the next few months.

The Makin' a Change Challenge will go from today - January 9, 2012 through June 1, 2012.

Challenges will start over each month, with a winner announced at the end of each month (or the Friday closest to the beginning of the following month.)  For example, this month's challenge will go from January 9, 2012 through February 1, 2012. The winner will be announced February 3, 2012.  This way, we will have several winners! Yay!

Everyone participating needs to put $20 into the treasure box each month that will go to the winner at the end of the month.  One must 'sign up' for the challenge by posting in the comments section of the blog to let us know that you are participating, and get the treasure box money to me no later than the 20th of that challenge month.

- Contact us by leaving your name, weight, and any motivational encouragement in the comments of this post!
- Make your payment to the treasure box - by getting the payment to Summer.  Winner amount and number of winners will be determined by number of participants.


- Start today!!

- Must exercise a minimum of 20 minutes a day (5 days a week).  Your workout should elevate your heart rate to appropriate levels.  Give it all you've got - c'mon, break a sweat.  Make your time count!  (For each additional 10 minutes of working out - up to 60 minutes - you earn 1 more point. For example, 20 minutes = 1 point. 40 minutes = 3 points.  60 minutes = 5 points.) Only 5 days of workouts will count towards your points.  I work out 6 days a week - but one of my days does not count towards points.)

- Must drink at least 8 glasses (about 2 liters) of WATER a day. (1 point) Can earn up to 7 points per week for this requirement.

- Must smile or be a kind voice to someone each day! (1 point) Can earn up to 7 points per week for this requirement.

*Side note*:  Be sure to eat your proper meals and snacks each day.  Starving yourself really messes your body up and makes you mean to others.  It also puts you on a serious roller coaster for weight loss and weight gain.  No one wants that.  Eat right. If you need help knowing what to eat - there are lots of free sample options on line.  I'll do my best to get some posted by next week.


- Weigh in each Wednesday. Your results will be more accurate if you weigh yourself at the same time of day each week.  (For example, I don't keep a scale in my house.  Because of that, I will be weighing in down at the pharmacy in one of the grocery stores each Tuesday evening. Yup, clothes and everything.  But, guess what, it is what I can do - and it is better to DO SOMETHING than keep waiting for circumstances to be perfect.)  Post in the comments what your original weight was, and your new weight so that we can all continue to support and encourage each other. We will not all be able to use the same scale.  Because the winner will be determined by % of weight lost, I am hoping it will be okay.  Remember, this is not about how many pounds you weigh, as much as it is about Makin' A Change!

- Also post your weekly point total each Wednesday in the comment section of the blog for the corresponding week.  Now we can all congratulate one another on Makin' A Change in a healthier direction.

-  Make sure to leave your name with your posts so that I can keep track.

- Check the blog for the corresponding week's fun challenge (beginning January 16). (Totally optional - meant to be motivating for those of us who need more *fun*.)  The Fun Challenge will not affect your final results.  I will do my best to post the Fun Challenge the Wednesday or Thursday before it will begin.

We are so excited to have you join us!  Let the games begin!